The tide has turned to hybrid work model for most people. How to choose the best Business VPN service provider?

Working from home has become a new normal for many people around the world. According to Forbes, as of 2023, 12.7% of full-time employees work from home, while 28.2% work a hybrid model. This illustrates the rapid normalization of remote work environments. Despite the steady rise in remote work, the majority of the workforce (59.1%) still work in-office. Looking ahead, the future of remote work seems promising. According to Upwork, by 2025, an estimated 32.6 million Americans will be working remotely, which equates to about 22% of the workforce


Security and Traceability

You need a secure and dependable Business VPN solution to work from home. Business VPNs are intended to safeguard corporate information and the organization. While working remotely, they enable remote employees to securely connect to a corporate network and access resources like business application servers. As we would see it, dissimilar to Buyer VPN, Business VPN frequently address security and its compliance against industrial best practises.

Stay Ahead

The earlier you fix a vulnerabilty, the less likely your systems are exploited or compromised. Vulnerability management is a continuous, proactive, and often automated process that keeps your computer systems, networks, and enterprise applications safe from cyberattacks and data breaches. By identifying, assessing, and addressing potential security weaknesses, organizations can help prevent attacks and minimize damage if one does occur. The goal of vulnerability management is to reduce the organization’s overall risk exposure by mitigating as many vulnerabilities as possible 1.

Detection of Threats

A robust monitoring system shall contain a set of tools and processes that identify and respond to security threats before they can damage systems or data. A threat detection system typically uses a combination of sensors, emitters, radio waves, cyber tools, threat intelligence, user behavior analytics, and other advanced technologies to monitor, detect, and remediate threats across networks, cloud, endpoints, email, and applications. A threat detection system can also leverage human investigation, threat hunting, and vulnerability management to enhance its capabilities. A threat detection system is essential for protecting business-critical data and applications from costly cyberattacks


Network Diversity

Resiliency in network is important because it ensures that the network can withstand and recover from failures, disruptions, or attacks. A resilient network can maintain its functionality and performance even when some of its components are compromised or damaged. Resiliency in network can be achieved by using various techniques, such as redundancy, diversity, adaptability, and security. These techniques can help the network to avoid single points of failure, to cope with changing conditions, and to protect itself from malicious threats.


The future of VPN technology will likely see increased competition among providers, leading to better services and more affordable pricing for users. As VPNs become more mainstream, new providers are entering the market, offering a wider range of features and pricing options. This competition is expected to drive innovation in the industry, as providers strive to differentiate themselves and attract users with unique offerings.

Published by
Patrick Chan
Senior Engineer, Time Stream Company Ltd.